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  • HOT 播放 0 次


    视频数: 0 个视频类别:[人文历史]更新时间:2016.12.31



    九华山有众多的李白活动遗迹名胜。李白(公元701-762年),中国唐代著名诗人,九华山命名者。其与友人合作《改九子山为九华山联句并序》中的“妙有分二气,灵山开九华”首开九华山之名;后作《望九华赠青阳韦仲堪》中的“昔在九江上,遥望九华峰。天河挂绿水,秀出九芙蓉。”描绘了九华山的雄伟高耸蜿蜒的峰、丘、盆、河、林、天的优美景致。 There are some relics related to Li Bai (A.D. 701-762), a famous poet in China during the Tang Dynasty and the nomenclator of Jiuhuashan. Li Bai and his friends wrote the verse “Mysterious yin-yang energy and beautiful scenery of nine peaks are appreciated” in a poem “Couplet for Changing the Name of Jiuzishan to Jiuhuashan” which created the name of Juihuashan. And later, he wrote another verse “I ever stood by Jiujiang River and looked into the distance with Jiuhua Peak. The heavenly river teemed with crystal-clear water is covered by numerous lotus flowers” in his poem “To Wei Zhongkan in Qingyang When Looking at Jiuhua”. These poems depict the picturesque landscape in Jiuhuashan composed of towering, winding and magnificent peaks, hills, basins, rivers, forests and sky.

  • 李白与九华山-----


    九华山有众多的李白活动遗迹名胜。李白(公元701-762年),中国唐代著名诗人,九华山命名者。其与友人合作《改九子山为九华山联句并序》中的“妙有分二气,灵山开九华”首开九华山之名;后作《望九华赠青阳韦仲堪》中的“昔在九江上,遥望九华峰。天河挂绿水,秀出九芙蓉。”描绘了九华山的雄伟高耸蜿蜒的峰、丘、盆、河、林、天的优美景致。 There are some relics related to Li Bai (A.D. 701-762), a famous poet in China during the Tang Dynasty and the nomenclator of Jiuhuashan. Li Bai and his friends wrote the verse “Mysterious yin-yang energy and beautiful scenery of nine peaks are appreciated” in a poem “Couplet for Changing the Name of Jiuzishan to Jiuhuashan” which created the name of Juihuashan. And later, he wrote another verse “I ever stood by Jiujiang River and looked into the distance with Jiuhua Peak. The heavenly river teemed with crystal-clear water is covered by numerous lotus flowers” in his poem “To Wei Zhongkan in Qingyang When Looking at Jiuhua”. These poems depict the picturesque landscape in Jiuhuashan composed of towering, winding and magnificent peaks, hills, basins, rivers, forests and sky.

    HOT 播放1082次


    视频数:0 个音频类别:[人文历史]更新时间:2016.12.31


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