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    一方保障One side guarantee

    视频数: 0 个视频类别:[人文历史]更新时间:2016.12.31



    “一方保障”石刻位于广西柳州市鹿寨县中渡镇祥荷乡韵景区铜盆山上,为明朝万历年间(1574年)的石刻。长4.5米,高2.5米,上端有“一方保障”四个大字,左侧刻“一方保障”四个小字。摩崖碑文前无衔首,后无落款,所以不知为何人所书。碑文记载明万历元年即1573年,镇压怀远瑶族人民起义后,万历二年移兵洛容、柳城、永宁、永福、阳朔等地镇压屠杀农民起义经过的情形。透过历史的云烟,穿越时光隧道,仿佛看到了瑶族同胞为反抗明王朝的血腥统治,浴血奋战的惨烈情景。文中语多诋毁,但仍可见农民起义斗争坚决的雄姿。这块石刻具有很高的军事价值,碑文历经400多年,绝大多数字迹仍清晰可辨,成为县级重点保护文物。 The stone inscription of "one side guarantee" is located on the Tongpenshan in Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area, Zhongdu Town, Luzhai County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province. It was carved during the Wanli Period (1574) of the Ming Dynasty.It is 4.5 meters long and 2.5 meters high, with four characters "one side guarantee"  on the upper side and four words "one side guarantee"  on the left side. There is no title and signature on the stone inscription, so we do not know who wrote it.The inscription recorded the first year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, 1573, the uprising of the Yao people in Huaiyuan had been suppressed. Then they moved to the army, such as Luo Rong, Liucheng, Yongning, Yongfu, Yangshuo and other places ,to repress the peasant uprising in the two years of Wanli. Through the clouds and smokes of history and through the time tunnel, we seem to see that the Yao people revolted against the bloody rule of the Ming Dynasty.The words are much more vilified, but it is still evident mark that the peasant uprising was resolute and heroic.The stone inscription is of high military value. After more than 400 years, most of the inscriptions are still legible.It has become the key protection cultural relic at the county level. 更多精彩欢迎关注脚爬客APP、微信、微博、公众号。

  • 一方保障One side guarantee-----


    “一方保障”石刻位于广西柳州市鹿寨县中渡镇祥荷乡韵景区铜盆山上,为明朝万历年间(1574年)的石刻。长4.5米,高2.5米,上端有“一方保障”四个大字,左侧刻“一方保障”四个小字。摩崖碑文前无衔首,后无落款,所以不知为何人所书。碑文记载明万历元年即1573年,镇压怀远瑶族人民起义后,万历二年移兵洛容、柳城、永宁、永福、阳朔等地镇压屠杀农民起义经过的情形。透过历史的云烟,穿越时光隧道,仿佛看到了瑶族同胞为反抗明王朝的血腥统治,浴血奋战的惨烈情景。文中语多诋毁,但仍可见农民起义斗争坚决的雄姿。这块石刻具有很高的军事价值,碑文历经400多年,绝大多数字迹仍清晰可辨,成为县级重点保护文物。 The stone inscription of "one side guarantee" is located on the Tongpenshan in Xianghe Xiangyun scenic area, Zhongdu Town, Luzhai County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province. It was carved during the Wanli Period (1574) of the Ming Dynasty.It is 4.5 meters long and 2.5 meters high, with four characters "one side guarantee"  on the upper side and four words "one side guarantee"  on the left side. There is no title and signature on the stone inscription, so we do not know who wrote it.The inscription recorded the first year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, 1573, the uprising of the Yao people in Huaiyuan had been suppressed. Then they moved to the army, such as Luo Rong, Liucheng, Yongning, Yongfu, Yangshuo and other places ,to repress the peasant uprising in the two years of Wanli. Through the clouds and smokes of history and through the time tunnel, we seem to see that the Yao people revolted against the bloody rule of the Ming Dynasty.The words are much more vilified, but it is still evident mark that the peasant uprising was resolute and heroic.The stone inscription is of high military value. After more than 400 years, most of the inscriptions are still legible.It has become the key protection cultural relic at the county level. 更多精彩欢迎关注脚爬客APP、微信、微博、公众号。

    HOT 播放1047次

    一方保障One side guarantee

    视频数:0 个音频类别:[人文历史]更新时间:2016.12.31


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